Children's Eyecare

Children’s eyesight is not fully realised at birth and it continues to develop up to the age of seven and beyond. A child needs good clear images in both eyes in order for their vision to develop normally. Sometimes the child and parent are unaware that there is a problem until it is too late. At Newbold Opticians, we recommend that a child has their first eye examination at the age of three and a half, even younger should there be a family history of squint or if you are concerned. Your child does not need to be able to read in order to carry out an eye examination; we are able to assess very young toddlers and infants.

Newbold Opticians is a provider of paediatric shared care services for the University Hospital of North Staffordshire. We receive referrals from their Orthoptic Department and work closely to manage children’s eye care and development. We are also able to refer to the Orthoptic department via a direct access scheme to accelerate the process.