Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a fantastic alternative to spectacles and recent advances in this field mean that they are available to more people than ever before. At Newbold Opticians, we offer a comprehensive contact lens fitting and aftercare service. Our thorough approach means that we help you to select the best possible lenses to meet your lifestyle and eye care needs. This is supplemented with regular contact lens assessments.

In addition to regular contact lens consultations, we are also able to offer our patients Ortho K therapy. Orthokeratology (Ortho K) is a non-surgical solution to those who want to see well without having to wear spectacles or day-time contact lenses. Patients wear specially made contact lenses overnight that reshape the eyes, enabling them to see better during the day. Ortho K can be beneficial for patients that play contact sports or swim regularly, or just those that do not wish to wear spectacles and contact lenses. Unlike surgery, it is also completely reversible. To find out if you are a suitable candidate for Ortho K therapy, please arrange an appointment at Newbold Opticians.